Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair
  • Philippe Pucheral: Co-founder of the bi-annual French Summer School 'Masses de Données Distribuées' and co-organizer of this school in 2016

Member of the Organizing Committees
  • Benjamin Nguyen: Steering commitee of 'Atelier sur la Protection de la Vie Privée' (APVP) in 2016

  • Nicolas Anciaux: co-organizer (with Fabrice Le Guel and Ulysse Roux) of the 'Journée de restitution d'ISN' in 2016

Scientific Events Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • Philippe Pucheral: DATA’16, DBKDA’16, BDA’16, EDBT’17

  • Luc Bouganim: VLDB’17, EDBT'16, BDA’16 (Demo)

  • Benjamin Nguyen: ECML/PKDD'16

  • Nicolas Anciaux: SIGMOD'17, EDBT'16, DATA'16, ICT4AWE'16, BDA'16, RESSI'16

  • Iulian Sandu Popa: IEEE MobileCloud’16, DATA’16, MobilWare’16, MCSMS’16

  • Luc Bouganim: EDBT’17

  • Iulian Sandu Popa: MDM’16

  • Guillaume Scerri : SIGMOD’17, EDBT’17, STACS’17


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • Nicolas Anciaux: Associate Editor of the VLDB Journal (since 2015)

  • Benjamin Nguyen: Techniques et Sciences Informatiques (TSI) - Revue Française (Rédacteur adjoint, domaine Sécurité et Vie Privée depuis 2016-05)

  • Luc Bouganim: Area Editor for PVLDB 2018

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • Iulian Sandu Popa: IEEE TKDE, ACM Transactions on Storage, International Journal of Digital Earth

Invited Talks

Scientific Expertise

  • N. Anciaux, P. Pucheral : scientific expertise on behalf of DGCCRF (Direction Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes) and of the European Council regarding the draft proposal of "Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on certain aspects concerning contracts for the online and other distance sales of goods" regulating the payment of numeric goods and services by means of personal data

  • Benjamin Nguyen: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Research grants

  • Benjamin Nguyen: Membre du comité d'éthique de TeraLab, du Groupe des Ecoles Nationales d'Economie et de Statistique (GENES) dont l'ENSAE.

Research Administration

  • Philippe Pucheral: Member of the HDR committee of the STV doctoral school (UVSQ) since 2014

  • Philippe Pucheral: Member of the steering committee of the ED STIC doctoral school of University Paris-Saclay, 'Data, Knowledge and Interactions' committee (about 250 PhD students) since 2014

  • Philippe Pucheral: Representative of Inria in the ‘Comité des Tutelles Formation’ of Paris-Saclay University since 2016

  • Philippe Pucheral: Member of the ‘Commission de Sélection’ of UVSQ and of the ‘Commission des Appellations’ of Télécom SudParis in 2016

  • Luc Bouganim: Reviewer for the ANR programs (Evaluation committee CE23), 2016

  • Luc Bouganim: Member of the ‘Commission de Sélection’ of the INSA CVL, 2016

  • Nicolas Anciaux: Co-director of the 'Privacy and digital identity' WG at Digital Society Institute (DSI), until June 2016

  • Nicolas Anciaux: Reviewer of the CHIST-ERA Call 2015 - SPTIoT

  • Nicolas Anciaux: Member of the ‘Commission de Sélection’ of UVSQ, 2016

  • Benjamin Nguyen: Director of LIFO (EA 4022) since July 2016

  • Benjamin Nguyen: Responsible of CNRS privacy working group "Sécurité" since september 2016

  • Benjamin Nguyen: Director of Digital Affairs (INSA CVL)

  • Iulian Sandu Popa: Reviewer for the ANR programs (evaluation committee CE23), 2016

  • Iulian Sandu Popa: Member of the ‘Commission de Sélection’ of the UVSQ, 2016